


A Brother Who Sins Against You 15"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant 21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

Has this ever happened to you? Were you hurt by a brother or sister in Christ? How did you handle it?
This happened to my daughter Jenifer and I, close to 2 years ago and we are still feeling the effects even though we followed "The Word" to a T.
We were looking for a contractor to help finish the upstairs bedroom. We needed a new window, room and closet door, painting the entire room and there was a missing shingle on the roof that was in need of repair because it was causing a small leak from rain.
I asked a friend at Church to recommend someone who was a member of our Church. He did and that person came up to me at the end of the service and asked me what I needed. Standing in the Church aisle, I told him and he quoted me a price right there.
He came to the house a few days later to peruse the room situation, seemed very confident and promised to be back in a few days. He did come to start the job with a down payment of 1/2 the job. After one day of work he asked for the other 1/2 saying that he and his family were in dire straits and he was desperate for the money. Of course, we trusted him, I know his wife and children, so we paid him.

From there it was all down hill.
He said he fixed the roof shingle, put on a new room and closet door, painted and replaced the window.
When Jenifer went upstairs to check the finished room it looked like an untrained nonprofessional did the work and the window looked as if it would fall out.
Needless to say we were devastated. We approached him and he looked puzzled as to why we were not pleased. When he did not want to correct his work after many phone calls and e-mails, I went to the Pastor of our Church. We arranged for a meeting between us, the contractor, and the Pastor. (3 people).
When that did not work, we arranged for a meeting between us, the contractor, the Pastor, the secretary of the Church and a Church Elder.
We met two times, he agreed to fix what he was supposed to.
Long story short, he "fixed" it but we were not happy. My 80 year old Dad came and really fixed it plus we got a window installer to replace the window again.
There was no money to hold back, since the contractor got 100%.
I was and still am very surprised how this situation hurt me so much. It seems that when we believe someone to be a brother or sister in Christ, we want to trust them as we would trust the Lord. When they hurt us, it is so much worse.
It makes it extremely difficult to trust again. The thing is that we have to look at everyone as individuals and learn to trust and love. The Lord tells us to forgive "77" times which to me, means always.

Could you forgive and trust again?
by Joy Maloney of JoyfulHandKnits

Introducing: Afiya Webb
(aka awebbcreate)

Please take a moment to visit Afiya's shop and give her some love! She specializes in New England vintage goodies!

Afiya is hosting a GIVEAWAY!

The winner can pick their favorite item from her shop and she'll convo with the code to get it free. To be entered to win:

Visit Afiya's shop. Then come back and COMMENT on this Blog about your favorite item in her shop.


Designer and idealist, southern transplant that has made New England my home.

How did you get your start on Etsy?

I started as a buyer. I love old things and etsy was a great way to find old quilts. My husband suggested that I create a page, and I've been loving it ever since.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Reading, listing on etsy, blogging, hulu.

If you could be anywhere in the world for one day, where would it be?

Maker Faire in California. I love Make magazine.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

Proverbs 31:10-31. I read it everyday for entrepreneurial juice.

10 a]">[a] A wife of noble character who can find?

She is worth far more than rubies.

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.

12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.

13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.

14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.

15 She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her servant girls.

16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.

19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

29 "Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

31 Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

What is your favorite Etsy item listing to feature?

Anything that reminds me of Georgia or my grandparents. I also love vintage New England treasures.

URLs to where else we can find you on the internet (Facebook fan page, Twitter, your own, your blog, etc)

my blog:

Using winner of the Amy Cornwell Giveaway is (............drum roll please............) : Alesha, who was our Featured Artist on July 14!! Congratulations Alesha! Please coordinate with Amy to receive your prize. I'll convo you both.
by Phyllis Ducey

I'm starting this on Tuesday and the day is almost over. Wednesday is a few hours away. That will zip and be gone. Before I realize it I will be overwhelmed with Thursday because the week is almost over and I know I'll never get all my work done by the end of the day Friday. Then I say "yeah" it's the weekend and on Monday when asked what I did, it was all a blur that had gone by much too fast.... then it all happens all over again, and again and again. A never ending spiral?

Sometimes I feel like it is. Like I am spinning my wheels not going anywhere. When I had toddlers it was change diapers, breakfast, dishes (no dishwasher back then but if you had unexpected company in a small kitchen the oven worked well for storing dirty dishes), laundry, picking up, fixing drinks, snacks, playtime, picking up, lunch, play time, nap time (whew!) , picking up, (oops get dishes out of oven before starting dinner) dinner... you get the idea, right? Now it is work, laundry, clean house, cook dinner (or order out) ... another world of spirals!

You can almost see how people who get so depressed want to give up. Their spiral can be overwhelming, especially when you combine it with financial problems, abuse or addictions. To me it all comes down to where your focus is. If it is all about "me" than that spiral pulls me in dragging me along into its never ending center.

When I am so full of myself - either positively or negatively - I am not bearing fruit. Why? Because I am focusing on me. I may be doing so wonderfully great that I forget I need the Lord or I may be so overwhelmed I wallow in my self pity (and yes I do that periodically). Either way, I am not focused on the Lord... I am not remaining in Him.

I love the comparison of the vine. I can relate to it, maybe because I love plants. If I were a branch on the vine, I would get my nourishment from the main plant and its strong roots. If I am cut from the vine or break off, I loose my life source. Same thing with the Lord. I get my life source though Him, the roots that bring nourishment to me is the Bible, His word. The more I focus on God's word and Him, the more sense my life makes.

I may still be doing the same things... following repeated patterns of daily life but I find I extend myself to others more. I pray more. I understand that there are eternal consequences to my actions (or my lack of actions). I realize my Creator God has a reason for me. And as I remain in Him, He blesses me with fruit... or even better, He allows me to bless others.

Isn't it wonderful to have a God who loves us so much that He keeps us close and prunes us when needed? I know so many who refuse to acknowledge or accept Him, they continue their meaningless spiral and for those I pray they would know the wonder of the God that I love so dearly and loves me, you and them.


Here is another related post I did a while back:
Gardening - me or the plants?


And here are some wonderful items from our fellow CAST Team members. Please check them out and give them your hearts!
Bangle by eversoDear

"You are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in mercy, and one who relents concerning threatened judgment"  Jonah 4:2

Kawaii Ichthys Barrettes

I've recently been studying the book of Jonah. What jumps out to me time and time again is the grace and compassion God offers each one of us.

It matters not what our life circumstances are... God wants more than anything to be compassionate and merciful to us.  The people of Ninevah were evil -- about as evil as they come -- yet God wanted to give them one last chance to turn to Him.  He wanted them to know Him, to know His love, to live with him eternally.  Though Jonah fought God and ran from him when asked to go to the people of Ninevah, God continued to love Jonah, continued to be compassionate towards him, wanted to extend grace and mercy to Jonah.

That is how truly magnificent our Lord is at all times.  It matters not our circumstances.  Whether we live a life far away from God, whether we walk with Him daily, whether we run when asked to do what we do not want to do.... it matters not.  God still loves us.  God still extends grace and mercy and compassion.  God still wants us to accept Him and follow Him and will always accept us into His arms.  All we have to do is ask.

Happy Sunday!

Hello Everyone! My name is Ana Jimenez and this is my FIRST TIME EVER writing for you all here on the CAST TEAM Blog. So I figured I'd briefly introduce myself and tell you a short bit about me before I get into my blog.

I own SugarCreations on Etsy and I'm fairly new to the Etsy world but I have been creating accessories for about 6 years now. I'm married and have 2 adorable girls (Ava almost 2 & Chloe 4 months). My husband and I are the youth ministries pastors at our church and have been doing that for 3 years. I am also lead worship with our praise team.

Now, I want to share some words of encouragement through toady's Friday Finds. I share this with you because someone shared this with me, just at the time I needed to hear it.

I was feeling a bit discouraged a few weeks ago. A bit frustrated with our youth ministry. Almost questioning God why He had us there. Wondering if that was our purpose. Wondering, if I was doing what He was putting in my heart, why was I not seeing the results I wanted to.

The day after my husband and I were conversing about this, friends of ours came over. We were to have a meeting, planning our youth camps for the year. We normally have a short devotional before starting our meetings. So we did. We read out of the book of Job.

"I'm speechless, in awe-words fail me..." Job 40:3

"I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans..." Job 42:1

I began to think...

Who am I to question God or His purpose (I certainly don't want God to speak to me the way He did to Job). He has placed me here for a reason. He has entrusted this ministry in my husbands and my life for a reason.

Sometimes I know we feel like we are doing everything in our power to be a success in our ministries, home, children's life, marriage, job, and business. Maybe your struggling to succeed in something else. You might feel as I did, like you are not reaping the reward of your hard work, and you simply don't understand why.

As we were going through the devotional that day, I realized something. God's timing is more perfect than what we think. All God has called us to be is "FAITHFUL". He didn't call us to be "SUCCESSFUL", although I have no doubt in my mind that he will take care of us, that is a promise.

"I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11

Let me share this short story with you:

As the father wakes to a blazing fire in his home, he realized his young son is upstairs. The fire is so bad it's hard to see through the flames and smoke. He hears his son screaming for him. The father realizes he is unable to get him, the flames have engulfed the stairs.
As the young boy stand at the top of the stairs unable to see his father standing below, his father yells, "Son, just jump! I can see you. I will catch you!" The son replies, "But dad, I can't see you. I'm scared!" His father again replies, "Son, don't worry! Trust me! I can see you. Jump!"
Although scared, and unable to see his father, he jumps. Only to fall into his fathers arms and out to safety.

Sometimes, we have a hard time trusting Him when we can't see what we were anticipating. We doubt. Always remember He is at times just simply waiting on us to be faithful and have complete trust in Him. Once we let go of our doubts and fears and JUST JUMP, we will realize we will be falling into His arms and taken onto HIS purpose and plans.

If you don't remember anything else from this, remember this...

He has called you to be "FAITHFUL" and let Him take care of the rest.

I hope you have enjoyed this and today's faith driven finds.

In His Love,


Faith Word, Heart & Cross Sterling Necklace

8x10 Original Photograph by Fort Williams

FAITH Magnets-Set of 4 Bottle Cap Magnets

Walk by Faith-Glass Tile Pendant

Boys Black Faith T-Shirt

Faith-Sentiments Stamp

Faith-Hope-Love Hand stamped Necklace

Altered Clipboard-Faith Zebra

by Joy Maloney of JoyfulHandKnits

Introducing: Amy Cornwell

(aka amycornwell AND a GIVEAWAY!)

Please take a moment to visit Amy's shop and give her some love!

Amy is hosting a GIVEAWAY!

Give away item:

A simple 1/2" sterling silver disk is handstamped with a 1/4" initial of your choice. Only one initial will fit on this charm. Please let me know if you'd like a heart (as shown) or another shape added to this charm.

Please specify the initial and chain that you'd like in the comments to seller section. I have box or rollo chains in 16 or 18" lengths.

To be entered to win this GIVEAWAY:

Visit Amy's shop. Then come back and COMMENT on this Blog about your favorite item in her shop

The winner will be announced in next Wednesday's CAST Team blog posting.


Hi, my name is Amy! I have been married for 8.5 years to a wonderful man and we have two beautiful children aged 4.5 and almost 2.

I’ve been making jewelry since late 2003, making beaded jewelry and it’s evolved in the past few years to stamped jewelry. Since I’ve started doing the stamped jewelry the business has really taken off. I was recently on a local daily television show called IndyStyle and you can see the video on my website here (

How did you get your start on Etsy?

I don’t even remember how I found Etsy, but when I saw it I knew it couldn’t hurt to try. The fees were so low that I figured if I didn’t sell a thing I wouldn’t be out much. Thankfully I didn’t have to worry about that!

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day consists of getting up at 6am, getting myself and my kids ready. Then I take them to the babysitter while I go to work at our church as the Sr. Pastor’s Assistant. I get off at 5pm (M-Th), pick up the kids and do dinner/bath/bedtime. After bedtime I work on orders until they are done which is usually by 10:30 or 11:00 pm. I don’t do orders every day, but usually every other day.

If you could be anywhere in the world for one day, where would it be?

Oh wow, that’s a hard one. If it were just one day and anywhere, I’d probably say a day in Fiji or somewhere equally as beautiful by the beach.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

My favorite verse since I was in High School is:

2 Corinthians 4:16
“So we do not lose heart
Though our outer self is wasting away,
our inner self is being renewed day by day.”

What is your favorite Etsy item listing to feature?

I have two favorite items from my shop right now and both are pretty new to the shop. The first is the Family Tree: Circle of Love necklace which comes with an extra long 30" chain.

The second favorite is my Momma Bird necklace that is super cute and unique. I love it because birds are so popular right now.

URLs to where else we can find you on the internet (Facebook fan page, Twitter, your own, your blog, etc)

Using winner of the aleshakay Giveaway is (............drum roll please............): ZudaGay!! Congratulations! Please coordinate with Alesha to receive your prize. I'll convo you both.
by Phyllis Ducey

If you are a person like me, you may have been planted in one location for most of your life. I was uprooted several years ago (5 to be exact... actually I relocated my roots, no one yanked at them... except maybe God?) and now am working towards crystalizing the concept of home. Living in only two homes in one town for 30 years, I always felt rooted. When we moved from one side of town to the other I realized that the new house (and it was brand new) did not feel like home. After almost 6 months, one day I sat down in the living room and let out a sigh. I was home. (Up until then I always felt I was sitting in someone else's house.)

When we moved to the northlands of Minnesota, after being so long in one place I felt up rooted and worked hard to create "home". I put out my favorite decorations, painted walls, cleaned corners, and rearranged furniture every week or two while I waited. Waited. Waited. The sigh did not come from the house. It did come each time my grandkids arrived. And that was a sigh of blessing... of feeling like royalty, like I live in a grand palace!

There was a time in my life when I was very attached to my house and my possessions. I highly valued them and considered them very important to who I was. Not anymore. I realize they are pretty meaningless is the whole scheme of things.

The meaning of home to me has been changing.

I just got back from a trip to my home town area in Illinois. But though I did not stay in my old house, I was home. I went to my former church; my best friend sat next to me (felt like it was what I did every week); visited with old friends; and spent wonderful time with my family. I was at home... that sigh would ease out as I spent time with each person. I spent a good part of that week driving my 85 year old mom (technically mother-in-law) to places and even more time helping her with computer stuff (Yes, I said computer! She is quite impressive.) Being with mom is my home... all my family are my home, my friends are my home, and my church family is my home.

Home is no longer tied to a location for me.

And each version of home produces its own types of sigh. Some generate sighs of warmth, some of peace, some of joy, some of contentment, some of fulfillment, and some are occasionally of relief.

I now think that the saying "home is where the heart is" is very true. Family, friends, and church... that is where my heart is when it comes to this world.

Though there is a deeper sense of home that extends beyond what we experience here. The true home of my heart is with my Lord, Jesus Christ. When I am "with Him" I heave a deep, sweet sigh of relief. (That is when He is my central focus and I am spending my time in prayer and in His word.) He comforts, teaches, carries me through the good and bad, He creates within me that peace that surpasses all understanding.

"Now all has been heard; this is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man." Eccl 12:13

Whenever I am with people who love the Lord, I am at home whether I know them well or have just met them. Because we are related through Christ we are brothers and sisters in the same family. It is a wonderful feeling to sit down with a total stranger and feel that special family tie... to feel that sigh slipping out because we are bonded.

"So in Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to one another." Rom 12:5

It is not unlike my Etsy CAST Team experience. We communicate and support one another because we all have that common bond... a love for Christ. If He is in our hearts and home is where your heart is... then we all share the same home. And one day, when we have left this earth, we will all be together with Christ.

"In my Father's house there are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

Won't that be a great celebration? I think at that time my heart's sigh will be a song! (I bet I will be able to sing in tune!)

Ps. Wow...we are already in the middle of July! When I started writing my weekly posts I made a commitment with the Lord to do this for a year. You will find that many of my writings contain similar themes (usually with a different bent). Often I intend to write on one subject but seems that (I pray as I write) the Lord changes my direction (and often the whole subject). A while back I wrote a post that works well with today's. Click here if you are interested in viewing it: "Desires of the Heart"


July is traditionally our six month warning that Christmas is just around the corner. Here are some wonderful items that somewhat relate to today's post. These shops have some talented artists. Check them out!





Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
9Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Believe it or not this is the first time that I have really read this passage and digested it. I have always loved to do good things for others. It always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I think that I have mentioned that I have an 87 year old mom who really does not know the Lord: a sore spot between us for a long time. She always says that she does good things for others and she is a “good person” so"IF" there is a Heaven or Hell, she will go to Heaven. I told her that if she does not give her heart to Jesus, she can do all the good she wants but Heaven will be closed to her. She is also a conditional giver. “I give this to you and you do this for me”. I don’t believe that is what the Lord means when He says, “Let us not become weary in doing good”.

We do good things from our hearts, whether the recipients know who is doing the giving or not. I mean, the Lord is always there for us no matter what. We stray or get too busy, he waits. All it takes is a whisper from us that we need Him and He is there ready to give.

At the “proper time” we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. To me this means that when the Lord sees fit, His time, not mine.