Like a sunrise deep within
Comes the voice of my Lord
Not until the light of the dawn
      did I realize the depths of my night

My mind was clouded
My heart in darkness
My soul parched 
           – with only desert winds
Print by LaurelPhotoandCraft
 Like a sunrise deep within…

A light filtering through the clouds
Breaking the blackness 
           waking the soul
Penetrating the well-laid barriers
Seeping into the hidden wells of my fears

…Comes the voice of my Lord

Like a sunrise deep within
Comes the voice of my Lord
Not until the light of the dawn
      did I realize the depths of my night
                                   by Phyllis Ducey 

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.  John 12:46
Scripture Lighthouse card by WondersofLight

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  Ephesians 1:3 NIV

Have a blessed Sunday!
With great joy I introduce to you, Felicia of EverSewSweet . Felicia offers adorable,unqiue clothing and accessories for your children. My favorite is her ice cream print child's apron.  Felicia's children's clothing would make a lovely gift for your little darling!  Please stop by and see the wonderful items in EverSewSweet!

                               Icecream print child's Apron

  Please note that the only way to be featured as the CAST Shop of the Week is to tag your shop items "castteam" on Etsy and to not hide your teams in your Etsy profile. You will also have to have at least 12 items to feature. Those are the ways that I find great CAST shops to feature each week. 

CAST Members: If you have a minute or two, please feel free to favorite this shop or promote it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media.  Thanks!

by Kelly of KellyBermudez

Sometimes, the pain we have worked so hard to avoid is the one thing that leads us to where God calls us to go.  Sometimes, feeling our need is the greatest work of faith we can surrender to.

I realize some deep seeded fears and anxieties I’ve been battling to calm for many months cannot simply go away if I pray hard enough, study my Bible more thoroughly or double up my commitment to trust God harder.

It dawned on me — deep in my soul — God was gently speaking straight into me –
 You are in a lot of pain.
Something is broken.
No one can see it, but I know it hurts. I know it is there.
Don’t be afraid to trust me —
– by feeling the pain.
– by feeling need.
It’s easy for me to pray and ask God to help me trust Him, when all I want is the pain or the problem to go away.
But, it feels completely foreign and disorienting to ask God to help me trust Him – so that I can feel needy.  So I can feel the pain.
I am now praying and asking God to walk with me through places I haven’t been before: the journey to feel pain — so that I can find comfort and healing on the way.
This isn’t a journey that I want to go on.
I’m trying to resist it, by trying to solve the problem and be as high functioning as I can.
I can do capable.
I can do faith.
But God is now calling me to experience the mystery of faith. And He’s calling me to it by inviting me to feel pain.

God is offering us hope. He says –
Your faith is still there. I just want you to use it differently.
You haven’t failed. I want you to know that with me — you can.
I haven’t abandoned you…
I am only holding onto you tighter because I know it’s time for you to heal.
It’s time for you to need.
It’s time for you to feel the pain.

we know what we have – Jesus, this great High Priest
with ready access to God…He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all –

So let’s walk right up to him
and get what he is so ready to give.
Take the mercy, accept the help.”
Hebrews 4:14-16


Sue Anderson

Imagine with me..........
a world without color.
What if, God had chosen to leave out the portion of 
our eyes and brains that translate the light we see into color?

In the grand scope of what God did in creating us it would have been a matter of just leaving out one process.  Just one electrical impulse between the eye and the brain but what a difference that would make.
I am so glad He chose to create us with the ability to see color.

Artists such as those found here on Etsy use color every day
to make a statement,
to please the eye,
to express emotion.

Bringing color to the kitchen

Teaching our children

Decor for the Home

 To tell a Story

To brighten the day of a friend

Life with color is good!

Thank you, Father, for blessing us with this gift.
Help us to appreciate and enjoy it
today and every day.

Written by
Becky Keeney
Good Neighbors Candle Co.

"Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.  Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over."  Proverbs 3:9-10 MSG

Love, Honor and Cherish (single card shabby chic pearl)
by Alathea Paper Goods

 Happy Sunday!

Say Hi to Kathy of Tapestry316.  Kathy has been a CAST Team member for a long time. It's well worth reading Kathy's profile, liking her Facebook page, connecting with her on Twitter and generally getting to know her.  She's all kinds of fun and has such a heart for all her critters.  I know you'll enjoy her art.

Hungry Horse leaving nose prints on my window - OOAK ACEO - Original watercolor painting

Please note that the only way to be featured as the CAST Shop of the Week is to tag your shop items "castteam" on Etsy and to not hide your teams in your Etsy profile. You will also have to have at least 12 items to feature. Those are the ways that I find great CAST shops to feature each week. 

CAST Members: If you have a minute or two, please feel free to favorite ♥ this shop or promote it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media.  Thanks!

by Sue of SueRunyonDesigns
Brought to you by Julie from Collar Topia and Sew Twisted in Stitches
I hope this Friday Finds everyone enjoying the Son and the sun!  I have chosen to share a devotional from Chuck Swindoll's "Insight For Today." (    
"Forgive Them"
"Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing." Jesus managed to utter those penetrating words through bleeding, cracked lips, swollen from the noonday sun. Impaled on that cruel, Roman cross, He interceded on behalf of His enemies. What a magnificent model of forgiveness!

He paid the penalty in full for the sins of the world, the just for the unjust. As a result of His sacrificial death, reconciliation was made between man and God. He's our model for correctly resolving disputes. Ultimately, it's a matter of forgiveness.

"Father, forgive them . . ." What a way to live!

Before going on, you may have some honest reflecting to do. I invite you to revisit your own unhealed wounded past. It may date back many years, it may bring to mind the face of a parent, child, friend, former mate, fellow employee, boss, coach, pastor, or sibling. They've wounded you. The pain has lingered all these years. You can't even hear their name or see a photograph without all the anger and mistrust flooding your soul like a river overtaking its banks.

My friend, it's time to move on. Seek a solution. Get help from someone else, if you must. But get on with it. Whatever it takes to be free, do that.

Right now, I invite you to stand all alone at the foot of the cross, look up to Him, and deliberately release it all. See Him hanging there, bleeding and dying, and embrace His forgiveness, for you and for your enemy. By forgiving, you're not condoning their sin. You're simply leaving that to God. That's His turf, not yours. That's grace. And you can offer it to others because you don't deserve it either.
Got a little homework to do? Get started on it before it gets too late and you lose your way home.

LG Guitar Pick Designs

Know God Through Art

I have been reading an interesting book,  ‘Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, Cultural Studies in the Gospels’, by Kenneth E. Bailey. It explains why Jesus did what he did and said what he said according to the Jewish culture of that day and what they knew. I highly recommend this book for reading.  

It has been many years since I have sang this song complete with actions. “The wise man built his house upon the rock and the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down and the floods went up and the house on the rock stood firm. The foolish man built his house upon the sand and the rains came tumbling down. The rains the came down and the floods went up and the house on the sand went splat. …”. Luke 6: 46-49.  I enjoyed making a loud clap representing the house that went splat.

This song came back to me when I read what this book said about  the parable of the two builders, one builder built on the sand the other on the rock.

 We might not fully understand this with or construction equipment but the Israelite's understood the foolishness of building on the sand very well. In the middle east the ground is clay.  In the dry summer season it turns very hard, impossible to dig out by hand. They called it bronze clay (Lev. 26:19). Anywhere from 6” to 10 feet under the clay is bedrock. 
The wise builder would dig down to this bedrock then lay his field-stone walls, with mud for mortar. People who chose to build in the summer, because the weather was warmer, had to dig through the tough bronze clay which was almost impossible. The ground was hard, it had the appearance of a firm foundation, one might build on it, but the winter rains would come and turn this hard ground into a soup mix of mud. The stones would tumble down as their false firm foundation disappeared.

If we build our life on the rock of Jesus when the storms of life come crashing in we will be able to withstand them and stand firm. A good example of building on the sand was a  few years ago when the storm of the economy came crashing down because people, banks and the government stood on the foundation of their large homes, money and greed and that foundation came tumbling down, taking the world with it.
As the song continues,  “build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ”.  We tend to forget and at times, especially during the storms we forget to let Jesus be our rock, instead worry, strife and frustration tend to be our rock or our sand.

Prayer - Lord Jesus we are people who forget, just like sheep forget. Help us Lord to pray to you and let you be our rock our firm foundation.

                  Happy Mother's Day

11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. ” And it was so.12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.13 And there was evening, and there was morning —the third day.

 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:” Proverbs 31:10, 27-28 NIV

MOM - Your love is the wind beneath my wings

Do you think that God created the vegetation and the flowers for moms?  He had to have that in mind when He created the flowers so we could bring a beautiful bouquet.  What is more beautiful than God's creations?  I am always awed by the flowers and fruits and the colors. All part of His plan.

All moms - today is your day but honestly, it is God's intention for every day to be our day and to be the best mom we can be and to be honored and loved.

Sue Anderson

With great joy I introduce to you, James of JamesConner1 . James captures such beauty through his gift of photography. My favorite is his Church photo, taken in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.  These pictures would make lovely gift for just about anyone!  Please stop by and see the wonderful items in James Connor's shop!

Please note that the only way to be featured as the CAST Shop of the Week is to tag your shop items "castteam" on Etsy and to not hide your teams in your Etsy profile. You will also have to have at least 12 items to feature. Those are the ways that I find great CAST shops to feature each week. 

CAST Members: If you have a minute or two, please feel free to favorite this shop or promote it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media.  Thanks!

by Kelly of KellyBermudez
Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old. 
Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and understanding.
Proverbs 23:22-23 (NIV)
Deb - dspdavey and Domum Vindemia