by Phyllis Ducey
In trying to decide what to write for this post today I went to The verse of the day was from of my favorite psalms - Psalm 19.
I love this verse. As we transition from winter to summer (we had no spring this year) I am in awe of the beauty of nature around us. Of the fresh scent in the air of a warm breeze (being from Minnesota... warm breezes are a delight). I love seeing the flowers burst into bloom and the world come alive all around us. Up here near Duluth, summers are short. We all want to take advantage of each nice day; not wasting a moment of the sun. People are walking dogs, kids are playing in yards, bicyclers are furiously peddling and joggers run by with their head sets on.
When I'm outside in this weather I feel like a little kid just arriving at Disney World. How awesome... almost overwhelming... it all is. God's nature screams at me, proclaiming the wonder of who He is. My senses are intensified and I want to deeply breathe in each moment, each cloud or blue sky, each scent, blade of grass, tree, ant, flower and/or rock to absorb it all... to make God's gift a part of who I am.
The only thing that saddens me in the joy amidst these gifts is that all people don't see it as from out wonderful God. To some it may be "mother nature" or just part of the world's evolution. I want to scream to those people "open your inner eyes and ears!" "See what God has put right in front of you. How can they not see or hear the declaration of the earth, sky and sea? Because Satan has blinded them to God's truth.
Vinyl art decal by StephenEdwardGraphic
Botanical cards by GerdasGarden
Photo print by whimsyartist
Watercolor by RedbirdCottageArt
In trying to decide what to write for this post today I went to The verse of the day was from of my favorite psalms - Psalm 19.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”
I love this verse. As we transition from winter to summer (we had no spring this year) I am in awe of the beauty of nature around us. Of the fresh scent in the air of a warm breeze (being from Minnesota... warm breezes are a delight). I love seeing the flowers burst into bloom and the world come alive all around us. Up here near Duluth, summers are short. We all want to take advantage of each nice day; not wasting a moment of the sun. People are walking dogs, kids are playing in yards, bicyclers are furiously peddling and joggers run by with their head sets on.
When I'm outside in this weather I feel like a little kid just arriving at Disney World. How awesome... almost overwhelming... it all is. God's nature screams at me, proclaiming the wonder of who He is. My senses are intensified and I want to deeply breathe in each moment, each cloud or blue sky, each scent, blade of grass, tree, ant, flower and/or rock to absorb it all... to make God's gift a part of who I am.
The only thing that saddens me in the joy amidst these gifts is that all people don't see it as from out wonderful God. To some it may be "mother nature" or just part of the world's evolution. I want to scream to those people "open your inner eyes and ears!" "See what God has put right in front of you. How can they not see or hear the declaration of the earth, sky and sea? Because Satan has blinded them to God's truth.
While working or playing outside I pray for those that their eyes will be opened to know salvation through Christ Jesus and enjoy the lavish gifts bestowed on us by our God."The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
2 Corinthians 4:3-5
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe."
Eph 1:18,19
Vinyl art decal by StephenEdwardGraphic
Botanical cards by GerdasGarden
Photo print by whimsyartist
Watercolor by RedbirdCottageArt
10:41 PM |
CAST Team,
Phyllis Ducey,
Psalm 19
Comments (11)
I too feel like overwhelmed by the glory and majesty of God when I am in His creation, amazing! Thanks for featuring my Photo Print :)
Always an honor and a pleasure to read your writings,Phyllis; A true gift from God.
Halleluja, the Majesty and Glory of our God....
Thank you Phyllis♥
I completely agree! I wonder how people can look around at nature or look at their own children and doubt God. Great write up!
Oh Phyllis, Such a lovely post. Nothing displays the majesty of God more than his creation-Earth and all it holds! I love the Psalm you started with.
I love God's creation and I love the Psalm you quoted and also love Psalm 8...specifically verses 3-4: "When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" Don't you find it amazing that he cares so much for us...the Creator of the universe, cares what happens to us and wants a relationship with our lowly selves. How awesome is that!
Great post as always, Phyllis! Great choices!
Great post Phyllis! The beauty of this earth is awesome to know it is God's majestic creation for us!
I love the peace I feel when I'm out in the Lord's creation! Thanks for such a wonderful post! Nice items, too!
I know that feeling you described so well. Awe and wonder at just how beautiful God's creation is.
Great post.
Thank you, Phyllis.
Love this post Phyllis! Thanks for including me! I've just spent 4 days enjoying another of God's gifts, our new baby granddaughter, Mary!