by Phyllis Ducey
Lighthouse painting by derekcollins
I'm writing this just a few days after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan that also effected other areas of the globe. Not long ago New Zealand had an earthquake. A year prior was the killer one in Haiti. I just went to a website called USGS - Earthquake HazardsProgram which stated that in the last 7 days there have been 507 earthquakes. I think what makes earthquakes so scary is that they shake the very ground that you walk on. I don't know about you but I rarely worry as I walk that the earth may be pulled out from under me... that buildings may crumble around me.
I like the illusion of being safe... of my world being secure. I was walking outside the other day and thinking how blessed I am to live a mundane peaceful life. Our world is not a world of peace. It is of turmoil, warfare, disease, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. In a matter of minutes my world could change. All it would take is a fire, storm or an earthquake. All I own could be gone. My loved ones could be gone. Life as I know it today could be gone. If I did not put my trust in God, I think I may want to curl up in my bed, read some sappy fiction and get lost in another world.
The same with the spiritual world. It could all crumble around you when some unexpected tragedy quakes your life or you get lost in the monetary things of the world. Without even realizing it, we can shift our focus from God to the things that fill a superficial desire. Maybe it is decorating your home, collecting items, clothes, jewelry or our pets. None of those things are wrong but when we shift our focus from God to anything else... tragedy or things of the world... we can loose our footing. Little tiny earthquakes can shift us in other directions without us even totally realizing it until one day we wonder where is God?
That is why it is so important to keep our focus on the Lord. He tells us to meditate on His word day and night. This was not always easy for me and I must admit that there are times I have to get recentered, refocused on the Lord. I found that prayer, meditating on the Word of God and focusing on Him is like exercise. You need to practice and strengthen yourself for it to be effective. If I were to get the urge to lift weights for my workout, I would not start with hundred and fifty pounds it would be more than I could handle and I would get discouraged. (Don't worry I have no urge to lift muscle strain going to happen here!)
With prayer it is often the same. We start by wanting to hit the heavy weights and get discouraged or think this is a waste of timeI . We may feel that like we are not getting anything out of it. God commands us to pray and does not promise it will "feel good". (I personally think it does.) If we start simple and practice... we will be amazed at how God honors that and grow in the depth of our relationship with Him.
That is how we stay secure in an ever changing world that is filled with uncertainty... filled with shifting ground. We build our foundation on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Then we put God's word into practice... and we need to practice and practice to constantly strengthen our relationship in order that we may weather the storms and hold firm in the earthquakes in life.
Lampwork earrings by eversoDear
Scripture verses card by mingogardens
Scripture photo by InspiringInterludes
I'm writing this just a few days after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan that also effected other areas of the globe. Not long ago New Zealand had an earthquake. A year prior was the killer one in Haiti. I just went to a website called USGS - Earthquake HazardsProgram which stated that in the last 7 days there have been 507 earthquakes. I think what makes earthquakes so scary is that they shake the very ground that you walk on. I don't know about you but I rarely worry as I walk that the earth may be pulled out from under me... that buildings may crumble around me.
I like the illusion of being safe... of my world being secure. I was walking outside the other day and thinking how blessed I am to live a mundane peaceful life. Our world is not a world of peace. It is of turmoil, warfare, disease, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. In a matter of minutes my world could change. All it would take is a fire, storm or an earthquake. All I own could be gone. My loved ones could be gone. Life as I know it today could be gone. If I did not put my trust in God, I think I may want to curl up in my bed, read some sappy fiction and get lost in another world.
The same with the spiritual world. It could all crumble around you when some unexpected tragedy quakes your life or you get lost in the monetary things of the world. Without even realizing it, we can shift our focus from God to the things that fill a superficial desire. Maybe it is decorating your home, collecting items, clothes, jewelry or our pets. None of those things are wrong but when we shift our focus from God to anything else... tragedy or things of the world... we can loose our footing. Little tiny earthquakes can shift us in other directions without us even totally realizing it until one day we wonder where is God?
Come near to God and he will come near to you.
James 4:8
That is why it is so important to keep our focus on the Lord. He tells us to meditate on His word day and night. This was not always easy for me and I must admit that there are times I have to get recentered, refocused on the Lord. I found that prayer, meditating on the Word of God and focusing on Him is like exercise. You need to practice and strengthen yourself for it to be effective. If I were to get the urge to lift weights for my workout, I would not start with hundred and fifty pounds it would be more than I could handle and I would get discouraged. (Don't worry I have no urge to lift muscle strain going to happen here!)
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:8-9
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.
Matt 7:25-27
Matt 7:25-27
That is how we stay secure in an ever changing world that is filled with uncertainty... filled with shifting ground. We build our foundation on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Then we put God's word into practice... and we need to practice and practice to constantly strengthen our relationship in order that we may weather the storms and hold firm in the earthquakes in life.
I wish to encourage you to be in prayer for this latest tragedy in Japan. I can't imagine how the devastation must be effecting them. Pray that they may find the steady foundation that is in Christ during this traumatic time.***************************************************
Check out some of these great shops below. There are a few here that I just recently discovered and they are wonderful!!
Lampwork earrings by eversoDear
Scripture verses card by mingogardens
Scripture photo by InspiringInterludes
10:00 PM |
Phyllis Ducey,
Comments (12)
Thankyou-very well put. And a good reminder for me right now.
Thank you for this. You are far more right than many of us care to admit even to ourselves. As always you wrote a wonderful, timely post Phyllis.
Thanks Phyllis. Very convicting and a perfect reminder that our security is not found in anything earthly but only in the Lord! Praying!
Wonderful post to remind us there is only security in our Lord and Savior!
Thank you Phyllis. I've never really thought about having to "train" in prayer, Bible study and focusing on Christ, but the scripture does say that some are ready for only milk and some are ready for meat--same concept really.
I've had the opportunity to travel and see how so many of the people of this world live with so little. Here I am constantly trying to declutter because I have so much. The tsunami is definitely just one more of many chances to refocus on what's truly important.
Thank you Phyllis, for your thoughtful word of encouragement for us today.
Love the featured shops too
Thank you so much, Phyllis. It is such a blessing to read your posts. I pray all the time but am always worried that I am not praying with the right words. I know that God knows my needs and the needs of everyone.
I am constantly on the verge of tears as I think about the thousands of people without water, food, sanitation. The babies, the elderly, the separated families....on and on. I have not experienced anything closer than the walking through a town wrecked by a tornado. Thank you for the reminder that "our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness", as the old hymn goes. That is a hope that cannot float away or crash to the ground. I am praying for the people of Japan.
A wonderful, wise & much needed post Phyllis! Our lives are filled with superfical & material things, work that needs to be done & countless distractions that keep us from being focused on what is most important, what is eternal. Thank you for this post!
A very good and timely article for me and a good reminder. Japan's earth quake hit us personally as we have close family in Tokyo.
Thank you for your post and the reminder that we are to be in prayer night and day. It seems like I am always in a conversation with God and what a good feeling that is. Japan has been in my prayers and will continue to be. I can't imagine all they are going through.
It is so easy to shift our focus from God.. thanks for such a great reminder! Great listings included, too!