by Phyllis Ducey

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors as though God

was making his appeal through us."

2 Cor 5:20 (Amplified Version)

The dictionary definition for an ambassador is "an authorized messenger or representative". Per this verse above we are Christ's ambassador, His authorized representatives. There are various ways that we can represent Christ. Many do by preaching, teaching, writing, broadcasting, or simply by having a conversation with another.

The verse continues to say that "God makes His appeal through us". Wow...what an honor! But during our daily life, how are we appealing to others? When we are at work with more to get done in a day than our 8 hours will allow or when we are in a grocery store with little ones who are crying because they didn't get that toy they wanted, are we very appealing? In our daily interactions with neighbors, people in parking lots, at the mall... the places where we are a nondescript person and don't think anyone is noticing, are we representing Christ? I believe those are the times we can subtlety and powerfully influence others. A kind word, a door held, a smile or a compliment to a total stranger to make their day a little brighter makes a difference. And though they may never know you were doing as an Ambassador for Christ... Christ will and He can use it.

One dreary rainy night I ran into a little store and when I came out there was a woman at a pay phone. I greeted her and she asked me if I knew where a street address was. She was quite distressed and had been trying to get there but couldn't find it. I said I was pretty sure I did and told her the easiest way to find it is if she followed my car and I would drive there (by this time it was pounding rain and I knew street signs would be hard to read). I got her there and she looked at me and said as sincerely as could be "you must be an angel sent by God".

I certainly did not think so and if you knew me you would not think I was an angel but she did. And without even realizing it I was being an ambassador for the God that I love. That was such a privilege.

This poem below expresses my thoughts on how each encounter we make becomes a part of us. Just the same as each person we encounter we become a part of them. Makes me wonder just what am I adding to other peoples lives? Hopefully it is Christ's love.

The Raindrop Splashes

the raindrop splashes
and then it is gone

or is it?

Without one there would not be two
without two there would not be three
How could a lake fill or river stream,
without one, then two, then three
'til beyond what I can tally?

I went to the ocean
and scooped a handful of cooling salt water
I watched as it trickled through my fingers
melting back to where it had been
as if it was one unified form
but without each drop it would not be.
Without one there would not be two
without two there would not be three

How could the ocean pull my legs
out from under me
then toss me where it willed
without one, then two, then three
'til beyond what I can tally?

Each person I meet and voice I hear
each flower sniffed
each sonnet read
each sunset awed

into the echos of my mind
and then it is gone

... or is it?

by Phyllis Ducey

Today is a random pick of shops. Some relate to the topic but some don't. Enjoy them all, click and heart.

Comments (8)

On March 8, 2010 at 4:03 AM , Julie Riisnaes said...

Great verse!
What gets me is that it says we ARE ambassadors. Its not that we choose to be one today and forget tomorrow. We are either good ambassadors or bad ones. I pray that we'll all be good ambassadors so that others will want to know our Saviour.
With love
Silk N Style

On March 8, 2010 at 8:40 AM , pfd said...

that is great insight and a wonderful reminder. I hope all read the comments too!

On March 8, 2010 at 9:28 AM , Sue Runyon said...

How True! That was a wonderful poem, Phyllis. You have such talent.

On March 8, 2010 at 10:52 AM , Princess Daffy said...

Lovely post Phyllis :o)

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17

Your kindness to that lost woman was the love of Jesus in action :o)

Oh that we all would think of others first, ourselves last, and in all times and circumstances act as ambassadors of our Beloved.

xox, Daff

On March 8, 2010 at 12:32 PM , button said...

Beautiful, Phyllis...
Thank you.
"we are written epistles known and read of all men"

"sometimes we entertain angels unaware"

"when you do it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me"

On March 8, 2010 at 5:26 PM , Vicki said...

What a great illustration of how we should be God's ambassadors in all that we do.
I love your poem!

On March 9, 2010 at 11:20 AM , ycullagh said...

Phyllis, I love your story (and your poem). I often wonder if the people I encounter unexpectedly are not actually angels themselves because I usually leave those moments with a good feeling, as well! Thank you again for including my bracelet. Yolanda

On March 9, 2010 at 2:24 PM , AngelPups said...

Just beautiful, Phyllis!!! And you never know when your kind word or gesture is the one that will pull someone back from the keep your light shining!!! You never know who's watching or listening ;-) You are an angel ;-)

God Bless~