Very few verses of the Bible have hit me like I Thessalonians 4:11.  In fact I think I have quoted it in some manner or another at least five times over the past couple of weeks.  I've mentioned it to friends at church, to family members and really hit it hard in the Bible Study small group I am leading right now.  I came across it in Beth Moore's Children of the Day study.  So my take on this passage of scripture is definitely impacted by her teaching.  I'll not claim credit.

How many of us, as Christians, wonder how it is that we can best live for Christ?  Well, this verse lays it out in a very plain way.  First it says we are to "lead a quiet life".  Oooh...I love this.  You mean we aren't to be superstars for Christ?  All of us?  Out there shouting from the mountaintops and harassing every person that crosses our paths?  Nope.  This refers to living our lives in such a way that outsiders watching can see our peace, joy and commitment to the things that are important to us.  Living a life that allows us to be available and within reach of those around us.

Next it tells us to "work with our hands" or "not to be dependent".  Now I don't believe this talks about those times when things are hard and we need the support of those around us.  It is more to the effect of not being lazy and thus requiring others to carry our load or pay our way.  In this way we show the Believers in our community respect in give and take.  A chronically lazy, and therefore needy, person is not living out the teaching of the Word.

Finally, we are "to mind our own business".  Now, I have to be careful with this one.  Yesterday it was very convenient as I observed a potential "train wreck" in relationships about to happen and took five steps back to "mind my own business".  In reality it all worked out very well and I'm thrilled that I hadn't inserted myself in the middle of it as I had been tempted to do but I'll have to be aware of when I am using this to stick my head in the sand.  :-)  Isn't it true, though, that we can have a tendency to "share a prayer request" because we really want to be the one to tell someone else about this or that?  Or to pass along someone else's thoughts or opinions in an attempt to strengthen our position with the potentially offended person?  Oh, I'm guilty.  But I'm going to work hard on minding my own business.

Feel free to check out I Thessalonians this week.  It will have something for you.  Such a packed study of practical encouragement.

Becky - Good Neighbors Candle Co.

Comments (7)

On October 20, 2014 at 8:54 AM , Unknown said...

Excellent devotion. I'm sure we all are guilty.

On October 20, 2014 at 9:15 AM , Sue Runyon said...

Thank you, Becky. I am doing the same Beth Moore study and I appreciate the reinforcement on the topic to help me remember better.

On October 20, 2014 at 10:47 AM , Unknown said...

Yes, to all of the above. Actions speak louder than words in both a good and bad way. I was just praying about this, this morning about myself and being a witness by how I conduct myself. Thanks for posting :-)

On October 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM , KarenW said...

Great reminder Becky. We live in such a clamorous world and are consumed with what everyone is doing. Thanks!

On October 21, 2014 at 9:03 AM , the butlers pottery said...

So true and hard to do. Thanks for this reminder.

On October 21, 2014 at 3:50 PM , The REAL EverSewSweet said...

Insightful post. Thanks, Becky!

On October 21, 2014 at 3:52 PM , bananaorangeapple said...

Very good advice.