Many people I know 
need some amount
of caffeine each morning 
to get their day off right. 
Some are more dependent than others. 
Does this look amazing to you?
Is it something you would love to have early in the morning? 
There is something about caffeine 
that tickles our brain cells 
and gets them moving.

I, however, not being much of a coffee drinker have not formed
this habit and I'm o.k. with that.

I got to thinking about another dependency 
many of us have developed.

One for the Word of God.

It goes great with coffee in the early mornings.
What could be better than those happy brain cells
 being encouraged and exhorted into 
praise and good works.

This is an area in which I need improvement.
When I wrote daily on my personal blog I was much 
better about spending time in scripture as I studied
to write or to simply find something encouraging to share.
Lately with that morning ritual replaced by jumping right
into work I find that I miss it.

Apparently I was more addicted to spending time 
with my spiritual caffeine than I realized.
I think I shall challenge myself to return to this
particular habit.
Still not sure about the coffee...
but you just never know.

 For everything that was written 
in the past was written to teach us, 
so that through the endurance 
taught in the Scriptures 
and the encouragement 
they provide we might have hope.
Romans 15:4 (NIV)

Becky Keeney

Comments (6)

On September 17, 2012 at 5:19 PM , pfd said...

I love your thoughts about morning addictions, I personally need to read before going to bed...leaves me with sweet dreams. BTW, that cup of coffee is absolutely beautiful...great pictures!

On September 17, 2012 at 10:56 PM , Aloquin said...

Hrm... I can't help but wonder, IS it coffee? Kinda looks like maybe hot chocolate...

But this post was beautiful, and well written. We all need more of the Word, and more discipline.

On September 18, 2012 at 9:20 AM , the butlers pottery said...

Here I am reading my email and not my bible this morning. Beautifully put especially with the coffee photos.

On September 19, 2012 at 9:12 AM , Becky K. said...

Jen, It is cappuccino technically it has coffee in it.

On September 19, 2012 at 4:14 PM , Sue Runyon said...

Thanks so much, Becky. I too am trying to get back into the habit of morning devotions. And that is a beautiful cup of cappuccino.

On September 19, 2012 at 8:10 PM , SHEILA said...

Great post Becky. I need to spend more time reading my bible in the morning. I enjoy coffee in my favorite coffee mug that says "Mornings and I just don't blend, until I have coffee with God my friend"!