1 John 3:18 - Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
Often these days, we find ourselves busy and running in many different directions. Sometimes we become almost robotic in the things we do, but often times, it is in the things we say as well. Words of love can be spoken very casually without the full meaning being felt by either the giver or the receiver.
At times, it becomes an automatic response just like “Hi, How are you doing? Love you”.
DO we really care and mean it and be still long enough to await the answer from the person we are asking.
God has given us great examples of “love in action” in creation. The most treasured and meaningful
"God so loved the world, he gave is only begotten son, so that we have everlasting Life".
WOW !!!!!
Being an animal lover, dogs come to my mind. Dogs are very expressive in their love for their owners, yet they do not speak a word (unless you have one of those talented dogs who can talk). They wag their tails and jump up on us when we come home from a hard day.
They celebrate with us when we are happy. They comfort us when we are sad. They even want to be with us when we have scolded them for doing something wrong.
Their love for us is unconditional and it is felt in their actions.
However, the greatest example of love in action is the night when God sent his son, Jesus, into the world to save us all - then sacrificed him so we can have everlasting life. Even though some rejected Jesus at times, blamed him for problems, rejected his people. Jesus still shows his love unconditionally and in truth.
Let’s follow God’s example and show our love in our actions and in truth, along with our words.
There is no greater feeling than the feeling of someone’s love. I am so filled with joy by this knowledge, I feel I will burst any minute. Those moments are when I go what I call " a hugging tour". I spill over onto others what I feel is Jesus Love.

Go ahead, love unconditional and spread God's love and his word...
Until next Monday, see you with God's Love and Truth
Monika Simone Drake
Often these days, we find ourselves busy and running in many different directions. Sometimes we become almost robotic in the things we do, but often times, it is in the things we say as well. Words of love can be spoken very casually without the full meaning being felt by either the giver or the receiver.
At times, it becomes an automatic response just like “Hi, How are you doing? Love you”.
DO we really care and mean it and be still long enough to await the answer from the person we are asking.
God has given us great examples of “love in action” in creation. The most treasured and meaningful
"God so loved the world, he gave is only begotten son, so that we have everlasting Life".
WOW !!!!!
They celebrate with us when we are happy. They comfort us when we are sad. They even want to be with us when we have scolded them for doing something wrong.
Their love for us is unconditional and it is felt in their actions.
However, the greatest example of love in action is the night when God sent his son, Jesus, into the world to save us all - then sacrificed him so we can have everlasting life. Even though some rejected Jesus at times, blamed him for problems, rejected his people. Jesus still shows his love unconditionally and in truth.
Let’s follow God’s example and show our love in our actions and in truth, along with our words.
There is no greater feeling than the feeling of someone’s love. I am so filled with joy by this knowledge, I feel I will burst any minute. Those moments are when I go what I call " a hugging tour". I spill over onto others what I feel is Jesus Love.

Until next Monday, see you with God's Love and Truth
Monika Simone Drake
12:15 AM |
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Comments (8)
Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place to live if everybody loved like Jesus? Great post!
Rose :)
Church yesterday was focused on this - how much God loves us, and the proof is that He sent His Son.
You just planted a little seed in my heart this morning. I had been thinking about love, especially the love of my daughter, Jenifer. Even though she doesn't say it, her actions do show it.
Well, I wish we could just all get together and go on one of your hugging tours, Monika :-)
Teehehehehee.....let's go !
((((hugs ))))
Great post! It's amazing how much God loves us and commands us to love others. The more we love as commanded the better our world becomes.
This is a fantastic post! You analogy of how our pets love us really brings things home. Thank you so much! That made God's love so much more real to me!
Thanks so much for this post. Love the "hugging tour".