"I wish everyone could get along without marrying just as I do. But we are not all the same. God gives some the gift of marriage, and to others he gives the gift of singleness." ~I CORINTHIANS 7:7


February is the month of love for a lot of people and its seems like even if there were couples around, now they are magnified. And for those who are in divine relationships, praise God for it and rightly so to take the month and enjoy it. This though... is for the singles (including myself). Those who tend to dread February like it was a horrible plague. Usually it brings loneliness, sorrow, depression and jealousy to those of us who only have ourselves to give our earthly love to.


Singleness is a gift, and all gifts from God are good. [Romans 8:28] We must remember that God has our best interests at heart. No matter what He puts before us, it is only to shape us more into His image. We tend to dwell on our loneliness and let it sink into a depression, leading us to believe that God wants us to be miserable. When actually, this is God's time to mold and shape us into beautiful strong women of God that He can use in a mighty and powerful way.

When you are single, you can focus on your heavenly husband, without having an earthly husband to satisfy as well. We are more open to being involved in church, spending time with the Lord and strengthening our relationship with God. When we give ourselves fully into the kingdom of God we find that there is no time for loneliness and depression. We are too full of His love and peace.

When we are content in our singleness, we open our hearts to God's Timing. Whatever blessings God has in store for us (whether the blessing is a husband or not), by being focused on God and not our loneliness, we give God complete control of our time-line. Everything we go through happens in seasons. God alone knows when these seasons will change, and what He wants us to learn from them.

Why try to change and direct ourselves, when our loving Master has already laid the path for us?

When you are lonely, remind yourself that you are married to the best husband in the world, Jesus. Jesus loves you more than any man will ever love you and is ALWAYS willing to spend as much time with you as you want Him to. He will never leave you nor forsake you. [I Chronicles. 28:20]

So when you feel lonely and depressed take it as your loving spiritual husband wanting to spend time with you. Spend time with God, particularly scriptures talking about God's love for you. Enjoy His presence.

Begin to seek the things of God, shifting your attention from men to Jesus. Work for and in His Kingdom. Pray and seek His face, His grace and His peace. [Matthew 6:33] We must first turn our eyes, minds and hearts to God and his Kingdom, and only then will He take care of our heart's desires, troubles, and issues.


Dear Lord, help us to be content in our Singleness and show us comfort when we are lonely. We know that You have our best interests at heart and that you have our perfect path laid out for us. Give us the strength to wait upon You, knowing that only in Your timing, great and mighty things can happen in our lives. Continue to mold and shape us into the women of God You want us to be. -AMEN-

Till Next Time

God Bless

Amanda of
Astria Legends

Comments (9)

On February 7, 2011 at 12:28 AM , pfd said...

Amanda - I love that you addressed this subject. God has blessed me with a husband but I truly feel that He has different plans for each of us and each of us should work in rejoicing in where He has placed us each moment in time. Basically... to bloom where you are planted. Thanks for being so real and drawing us closer to Him.

On February 7, 2011 at 7:29 AM , the butlers pottery said...

Amanda: This is a good topic to address in this world that focuses on married life, which also includes rampant divorce. I have been blessed to be married for almost 34 years, which in itself is a growth experience so I can't relate to being single. I can relate to not liking a holiday. Mine was mother's day as I didn't have a good relationship with mine.

On February 7, 2011 at 1:07 PM , Sue Runyon said...

Thanks so much, Amanada. It's such a blessing to have blog volunteers in every stage of life on this blog team to provide viewpoints and advice to all our members. God Bless You!

On February 7, 2011 at 2:00 PM , Art and Sew Forth said...

Thanks for reminding me that not everyone looks forward to this day. And the benefits of singleness are definitely positives!! Fellowship with others is so key to happiness in a single life. I maintain that the quality and depth of our lives is always exactly proportionate to the quality and depth of our relationships. And that does not have to include being married!

On February 7, 2011 at 2:56 PM , myeuropeantouch said...

Amanda, thank you for sharing you most precious thoughts on singleness.
Wonderfull reading...

On February 7, 2011 at 3:16 PM , MYSAVIOR said...

Wonderful wonderful!!

I am single but am never alone!


On February 7, 2011 at 10:03 PM , Sherri Ward said...

No matter what condition we are in, we all have to learn to lean on Him and trust Him.

On February 8, 2011 at 9:41 AM , Donna (Twinmountainpottery) said...

Amanda this is such a great post. My son used to hate when this time came around until he found that God had a plan for him to be single for a while. At 34 he married and they now have a new baby. Sometimes God's timing isn't the same as ours or he just has a different plan but it all for the good. He is so wonderful if we will all just trust in Him.

On February 9, 2011 at 5:05 AM , Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

Such relevant topic to cover, especially at this time of year!
I am married, but have many single friends and family members, some of whom struggle with their singleness. The benefits of singleness you point out are so true, and mentioned by Paul himself in his letter to the Corinthians.
I also really like that this post reminds those of us who are married that not everyone is married and that we need to be sensitive to others in different situations from ours. :)