Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.  Ephesians 3:17-19 (New Living Translation)

Have a blessed Sunday!
God’s Whisper

The salty mist blew through my hair from the ocean waves crashing on the sandy beach.
The mist tasted sweet upon my lips and smelled of mussels and kelp which nestled into the crevices of the rocks lining the shore.
On this particular morning the beach was dotted with people and as I sat quietly in prayer, it felt as if I was alone with the Lord.
The roaring of the crashing waves drowned out every sound and seemed to become the gentle soft voice of God whispering to me the question “How well do you know Me, my Daughter?”
The tears rolled down my face as I confessed “Not well enough, my Father!”
Then I opened my Bible and began to feverishly devour His word and immediately the burdens I carried became weightless and my heart began to calm and His peace washed over me.
I gently wiped my tear stained face, gathered my belongings and just as I began to rise a hand helped me to my feet.
When I looked up to thank the person, I was all alone and couldn’t help but feel as if the Lord himself gave me a gentle touch.
My steps were lighter as I returned home that day and though the clouds covered the sky it seemed as if the sun was shining.

 I wrote this as I sat on the beach watching the waves as I spent time in prayer. Then I opened my bible to this scripture in John 21:15-17 (NKJV)
Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed My lambs."16 He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My sheep."17 He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You."

How interesting that it was the Lord questioning Peter's loyalty and love for Him, just as He questioned the depth of my knowledge of His word. The grief that Peter felt as Jesus asked him the third time the depth of his love, was equal to the grief I felt when the Lord questioned how well I knew Him. 
I had been going through a transitional season, moving from one failed church to another and it left me feeling a little dry. It was a time of waiting on Him, and sitting at His feet, there were no deep commitments, no purpose, just quiet, like I was wandering in the wilderness.
We all have those seasons, and the Lord always has a purpose for them, 
For Peter, he went on to do even greater things, he found his true purpose in loving the Lord...For me, I continue on the path that He sets before me, I seize every opportunity to know Him more and I wait to once again hear God's Whisper.
How has God Whispered to you? Leave a Comment and share your story.
JT Designs

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:30-31 (New International Version)

Eagle Soaring
by Diana's Creations

Happy Sunday!
Brought to you by Julie of Collar Topia and Sew Twisted in Stitches

Enjoy this devotion from Chuck Swindoll from Insight for Living.

Waiting on God
by Charles R. Swindoll
David's cry for help doesn't end with an account of God's sudden and miraculous provision. Instead, the songwriter committed to doing what comes least naturally to people in fear. He committed to doing nothing. He chose to wait on God. Read that again---aloud.

Exhortation to Wait
Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD. (Psalm 27:14)
It's a fitting conclusion, but completely unexpected. David levels an exhortation to himself to wait! He realized that the pressure would not suddenly leave. He knew his enemies would not do an about-face and depart immediately after he rose from his knees. He was realistic enough to know that anything worth having is worth waiting for. So, in the final lines of his song, he tells himself to relax, to enter into God's rest, to cease from his own works. (See Hebrews 4:9-11.) Strength and courage are developed during a trial, not after it is over. Waiting on God is essential.

The term "wait" is from the Hebrew verb kawah, which eventually carried the idea of eagerly looking for something. It originally meant "to twist, stretch." The noun form means "line, cord, thread." The literal definition became a word picture involving tension or eager anticipation. Isaiah 40:31 uses this same term: "Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength."

If you are waiting for God to work this week, keep on waiting! In the wait there will come strength and courage. I urge you to review the truths in Psalm 27 each time you are tempted to be afraid. Don't become paralyzed and ineffective. Take yourself out of the grind of fear! Look upon each threatening circumstance as an opportunity to grow in your faith, rather than to retreat. How? Follow David's example.

First: Call to mind what you know to be true about God.
Second: Express what you need boldly.
Third: Wait. Let the fearful circumstance become God's opportunity to strengthen you.

SweetB Studio Greeting Card

Creations by Curry Keychain
Big Island Rose Designs Etched River Rock
NickiLynn Jewelry Boho Bracelet
Pear Creek Cottage Felted Bear
Crafty Cuties by Design Guitar Picks

It is our pleasure to introduce Melissa Carson of PlainnSimplebyMimi as this week's Featured Artist. Melissa sews a variety of cute and colorful children's items, as well as bags and totes, at her home in Illinois.

Road Trip Game Pouches

Melissa has graciously offered to giveaway a sweet set of game pouches from her shop (see the photo above).  To be entered to win, please comment on this blog post with your favorite item from PlainnSimplebyMimi.The winner will be announced on next Wednesday's Featured Artist post.
A little bit about myself:
Creating has always been something I love to do. I suppose my inspiration may have been a favored aunt. Aunt Mary Joyce is a woman whom I have admired all of my life. She always gardened, made all her clothes and those of her three daughters; her home was orderly; she was ambitious and capable. She and my uncle are still happily married after more than 60 years. I decided early on that I wanted to be like her. My best day is sewing, gardening, cooking, organizing, and snuggling with my children and pets.

I look at something, anything, and see in my mind what it could become. A branch in the woods on a walk could become a part of a fabric creation of wall art I might make, a colorful bed sheet could become children's' aprons, tote bags, drapes for a kitchen, a skirt. The list is endless. That served me well as a realtor for many years, and is something which I have applied in all of my endeavors in life. My children will all say I can make something out of anything. 

Reusable Sandwich Wrap Placemat by PlainnSimplebyMimi
Reusable Sandwich Wrap Placemat

How did I get started on Etsy?
I found Etsy through my oldest daughter, Joelle. She is a huge Etsy lover and kept planting the seed for me to join. I had been making my goodies for quite some time and getting the word out one ear at a time. I finally listened to her and checked it out. Etsy has been wonderful, and so much fun. I love sharing my love of the Lord with my teams.

How did I choose my shop name?
My granddaughter Pieta calls me Mimi and it just came to me to include that in the name since a lot of what I make is for her or based on something my oldest daughter asks for or suggests. I have a new grandbaby coming in about 3 more weeks, and two grandsons from my other daughter. My son is a junior in high school - planning his studies in college. I am a fairy Godmother to many little ones and love love that too.

What does a typical day look like for me?
Pure chaos - which is fine. Once breakfast is served, lunches are made and boys are off to school, then it's me and youngest grandson, or both if it's not a school day for him. We go to the library, parks, the zoo, etc. During naps I sew, and once dinner is made, my daughter picks up the boys, and I head to my sewing room again to create. My son is on a school sports team, so we enjoy dinner together late, then he does homework and I sneak off to sew some more. Sewing is my therapy from the chaos of life.

If I could be anywhere for a day I would be at Disney in Florida. I love going there.

My favorite Bible verse is: James 1:2-4 “
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
Child's Flannel Blanket with Pillowcase

My favorite item to feature would be the flannel blankets I make - I just love them, although the burp cloths I make sell the best.

Other URL's - I have a Facebook site - but the best of what I have is all right here on Etsy.


From Sawdusted

I have learned so much from my mother about
faith, prayer and life with Jesus.
Many a day while I was growing up I would head
back the long hall to my bedroom and catch sight
of her on her knees in her room at the very end of the hall.
She was kneeling by the side of her bed,
Bible in front of her.

Mom did not do this for show.
She was pouring out her heart to her Heavenly Father
about this thing or that.
I'm very sure that my brother and I made that 
prayer list regularly.

As a Pastor's wife she never lacked for things 
to pray about.

Recently my mother gave a talk about trusting Jesus.
During this talk I was reminded of an event
that happened when my oldest, 
now 22, was about three years of age.

Mom and Dad were taking Jonathan to a puppet show
at a local church.
The parking lot was icy.
Dad was carrying Jonathan when his feet flew out 
from underneath him and he felt himself falling.
Instinctively Dad wrapped Jonathan in his arms and 
took the entire force of the fall on himself
keeping Jonathan one hundred percent safe
but quite scared.

As they gathered themselves and attempted to 
soothe Jonathan he looked up at his Grandad 
and stated accusingly, 
"I trusted you!"

In other words...
"How could you let me fall????"

Isn't that just how we are?
Our Heavenly Father doesn't always keep us from 
falling but He always has us in His arms.
He is protecting us and shielding us
from anything that is not in our best interest
and His glory.

These days I am quite needing this reminder as two 
of our children are about to leave the nest.
One, my baby girl, is headed to the Australia and Thailand
for five months...
"Dear Lord, I have to trust in You.
Hold her tightly."

If all goes as he plans our middle son 
joins the Army tomorrow.
I am so proud of him....
but terrified for his safely all the while.
What mama wouldn't be, right?
But my need to trust Jesus has increased yet again.

This passage is my goal...
not yet my reality:

Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
    they will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of bad news;
    their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
    in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
Psalm 112:6-8 NIV

Is there anything in your life 
that challenges your trust in Jesus?

He IS worthy of our trust.
No question.

The results might not look as we expect or hope
 they will...... but His arms never let us go.

Becky - Good Neighbors Candle

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious. —1 Peter 2:4
Throughout my life, I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff. I have boxes of things that at one time were important but over time have lost their intrigue. And, as an unrepentant collector, I’ve realized that the thrill is in searching for and acquiring a new piece to add to the collection. Then my attention turns toward the hunt for the next item.
So when Peter refers to Jesus as “a chief cornerstone, elect, precious” (1 Peter 2:6), it should resonate in our hearts that He is truly precious—our prized possession above everything and everyone else. Where would we be today without the constant unfailing companionship of His faithful presence, wise and perfect guidance, merciful patience, comfort, and transforming reproof? What would we do without Him? I can’t even imagine! —Joe Stowell

Of all that is precious, Jesus tops the list.

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While we pile up many things that are important to us, very little of it is really precious. In fact, over time I have learned that the most precious things in life are not material items at all. Rather, it’s the people who have loved me and built into my life who are precious. When I find my heart saying, “I don’t know what I’d do without them,” I know that they are indeed precious to me.
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Lord, help us not to focus on fleeting treasures but on
You, our most precious treasure. Teach us the joy
of reveling in You and Your loving presence
and provision in our lives.

Sue Anderson

I'd like to introduce you to Cathy of TheEscapeArtist on Etsy. With many of our CAST members heading into the summer months I thought Cathy's beach paintings would be appreciated. If you won't be making it to the beach this summer you can browse through this lovely shop and dream of the beach.

Please note that the only way to be featured as the CAST Shop of the Week is to tag your shop items "castteam" on Etsy and to not hide your teams in your Etsy profile. You will also have to have at least 12 items to feature. Those are the ways that I find great CAST shops to feature each week. 

CAST Members: If you have a minute or two, please feel free to favorite ♥ this shop or promote it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media.  Thanks!

by Sue of SueRunyonDesigns
Whenever the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them.  But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.
Judges 2:18-19 (ESV)
My Bible study group at church has just started studying the book of Judges together, a book which I loved as a child (especially as I am named after one of God's appointed judges).  I loved reading of the amazing feats God carried out through his judges and was often enthralled by the exciting "action stories" of Judges.
But as a teenager and adult, I finally realised that, exciting as some of those stories in Judges may have been,  it is a book which has an overall tone of sadness and despair.  Why?  Because the book of Judges outlines Israel's repeated sin and rebellion against God in spite of all that God did for them, including repeatedly showing the Israelites mercy by sending them saviors (the judges).
God's people repeatedly chased after the temporary attractions of the world, only turning back to Him in times of affliction and quickly turning away again once their problems were gone.  And while we, as 21st century people, are in a different situation from the Israelite people of that time, I think it can be tempting for us to have the same attitude as the Israelites.
It is so easy for us to be allured by what the world has to offer.  It can be so easy to enjoy the gifts and various activities God has blessed us with to the extent that they begin to take over God's number one place in our lives.  So let me ask you: is there something in your life which you have turned into an idol that replaces God? If not, are there things in your life which you could be tempted to put first before God? How do we avoid following in Israel's fallen footsteps?
There are many ways we can do this, some of which will require us to ask others for help.  Most obviously, we can pray to God, repenting of our wayward actions and asking for help in our walk with Him.  We should also thank Him for the mercy he shows to us because we know we don't deserve it!  We should make the effort to read and know God's word better, perhaps asking a friend to meet with us to read the Bible regularly.
Painful as this may sound, we might also need to take a step back from the things which tempt us to forget about God.  This could mean mindfully limiting the amount of time we spend doing an activity (say, watching TV or surfing the web) or perhaps even avoiding whatever it is which tempts us.  For one woman I heard about, this meant banning herself from buying home improvement magazines and from shopping in the most expensive furniture stores and using the money she saved to fund more ministry workers at her local university.
I am sure that you have lots of suggestions yourself.  I know that I certainly need to work hard sometimes to ensure that I put God first in my life!  Maybe this week we can pray for each other, that God would give us the strength to serve Him faithfully and always put Him first, no matter what.
It is our pleasure to introduce Heather Speer of Busy Beez and Chickadeez as this week's Featured Artist. Heather crafts elegant, vintage-inspired jewelry and wedding-related items at her home in Washington.

Free resin cabochon ring with purchase for first 10 CAST customers.  The flower and color will be randomly selected.  Please leave note under “notes to seller” that you read the CAST blog, so I can be sure to include your gift with purchase. :)
Cabochon Rings by BusyBeezChickadeez
Cabochon Rings

Introduction to you:
I am a wife and stay at home mommy of two little girls.  We live in beautiful Bonney Lake, WA.  We have two cats and one wiener dog who are very much part of our family.  I have always loved to create since I can remember.  I attended college and received my degree in Business Administration and never knew how the two would come together.  I am blown away that I’m able to have an outlet to create every day, and that it has been an income to support our family and allow me to stay home with my girls. I’ve leaned a lot on the education I received in business administration in running my shop.  It is just so neat to see how God worked those together!
Vintage Rose Garden Girls Necklace by BusyBeezChickadeez

How did you get your start on Etsy?
My first born daughter was born with a hemangioma on her forehead, which we affectionately call her Angel Kiss.  We would receive comments and questions from strangers and I just wanted to protect her from that so I started making her lots of accessories, hats, headbands, etc. I had people ask me where I had gotten those items and my husband suggested that I make a few and try to sell them. I started selling at local boutique shops and then after about 7 months decided to give Etsy a try and it has been amazing!  My product has evolved to mostly jewelry, which I love to create!  On a side note, now my daughter loves her angel kiss and is sad that it is fading.  She has asked why other people don’t have them and when she creates self-portraits, she always includes her angel kiss! J 

Champagne Velvet Ringbearers Pillow Wedding by BusyBeezChickadeez

How did you choose your shop name?
After my girls, they are my “busy bees” and “chickadees” J

What does a typical day look like for you?
Wake up early, check my convos, get my girls up and my oldest ready for school, drop her off at school, and then I have a two hour window where my youngest naps and I can get a lot accomplished. And just continuing working on jewelry here and there as I have spare moments.  I’ve learned it has helped to block out time where every other day I do all my shipping and packaging and then the off days, create!
Pink Butterfly Pendant Necklace Girls by BusyBeesChickadees

If you could be anywhere in the world for one day, where would it be?
That is a tough one!  There are so many countries I want to visit!  I probably would say I would like to have tea in a quaint shop in a little English coastal town.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

John 15:4-5 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” That is my life verse! 
Anne of Green Gables Locket Necklace by BusyBeezChickadeez

What is your favorite Etsy item listing to feature?
That is also a tough question! Each item I create has a personal story behind it, so it’s hard to choose one item.  But I would say my lockets are probably my favorites. Many customers share what the piece means to them and that is truly special to hear their stories. It is humbling to make something that can bring a bit of encouragement or a reminder of a special relationship or occasion.  

Psalms 63:3      In your generous love I am really living at last. Message Bible 

Fifteen to twenty years ago I suffered from bipolar, had free mason demons in me, didn’t know who I was, didn’t do art, pottery, or music.  Definitely I didn’t have any joy, despite my name, Joyce. My life was a mess. I wasn’t living, only existing. Fortunately I let God work on me.  As a Casting Crowns song says,  ‘I’m not the same as I used to be’. 

I read Psalms 63 I realized how it capitulates my life.  I wrote a poem to go with this psalm for your enjoyment.

My life was dusty and dry                                     
God you wouldn’t let it go
You’ve turned my life inside out
You conquered my fears and foes
I’ll cling to you for dear life
You hold me steady and sure
For you are the King of kings
The one who’ll always endure
You gave to me abundantly
More than I can fathom
You’ve always fought the battle
I’m praising with arts and drums

Praising your strength and glory
Praising you to be heard
I’m worshiping, opened eyed
Drinking in all you’ve offered

Let us all rejoice in God. I pray that we will let go of anything that prevents us from praising God with every thing we can.

I'd like to introduce you to HandiWorkinGirls.  If you hang out with the CAST Team you have seen these ladies around. They are a team of mom and three daughters who love to make upcycled items such as rag rugs, gift bags, doll clothes, bean bags, quilts and more.  If you'd like to know more about their story and what they do, please visit their about page on Etsy.

Please note that the only way to be featured as the CAST Shop of the Week is to tag your shop items "castteam" on Etsy and to not hide your teams in your Etsy profile. You will also have to have at least 12 items to feature. Those are the ways that I find great CAST shops to feature each week. 

CAST Members: If you have a minute or two, please feel free to favorite ♥ this shop or promote it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media.  Thanks!

by Sue of SueRunyonDesigns