My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment,
do not let them out of your sight;
they will be life for you,
an ornament to grace your neck.
Proverbs 3:21-22 (NIV)
I love reading through the book of Proverbs for the many helpful tips and insights about living a godly life! Living wisely and seeking after wisdom are strong themes in the book and the author (king Solomon wrote much of Proverbs) often links wisdom with a right reverence and fear of the Lord. In these verses, sound judgment and discernment are likened to beautiful ornaments for one to wear. They are deemed to be very important characteristics to aspire after and the son (or reader) is warned not to "let them out of your sight".
These verses are ones I need to constantly remember, so that I am not tempted to speak or act foolishly in the heat of the moment. I need to remember to always "grace my neck" with discernment and sound judgment. As you enjoy this week's finds of beautiful CAST-made ornmanets, perhaps you could take some time to think about how you can seek to always have these characteristics in your words and actions.
These verses are ones I need to constantly remember, so that I am not tempted to speak or act foolishly in the heat of the moment. I need to remember to always "grace my neck" with discernment and sound judgment. As you enjoy this week's finds of beautiful CAST-made ornmanets, perhaps you could take some time to think about how you can seek to always have these characteristics in your words and actions.
Comments (10)
Absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much, Deb.
Absolutely lovely finds! How gorgeous they all are!
Awesome post and gorgeous finds!
I do try to keep the Word "on" me for others to see.
Love your ornament choices.
Beautiful finds!!
Some pretty ornaments and a thoughtful message, thanks Deb
I like Proverbs too. That baby footprints ornament is so cute!
Love these Friday Finds Proverbs....and thank you for including my handmade ornies....♥
I love how you brought alive that verse!
Proverbs is a favorite of mine too. Your finds are awesome, too.