by Cheryl Allison of On the Grain Fabrics (
I am honored to introduce this week's featured artist, Carrie. This talented jewelry artist has a giveaway item for those who participate. To win the stylish Guitar Pick Cross necklace pictured here, visit her shop, then come back here and comment, telling us which item you like the best. The winner will be chosen at random on Be sure to leave your e-mail address so we can contact you if you are the lucky winner. The winner will be announced in next Wednesday's Featured Artist post.
Your name: Carrie Botkin
Your shop name: Carrie's Custom Designs
Introduction: How blessed I am to be able to work from home and be a full time mom to my children.
Hello! My name is Carrie, and I have never seen an art form that I didn't like! I have a wonderfully supportive husband and 3 amazing kids who come into my studio often, saying "What's that? . . . Who is it for?" My 2 love junkie dogs lay on my feet as I design.
I don't remember a time when I wasn't creating or thinking about creating something. I crochet, quilt, rughook (yep, the old-fashioned kind with wool strips), and create jewelry. I have always been drawn to things bearing my name. Probably because my name can be spelled so many different ways. That's what led me to designing hand-stamped jewelry.
How did you get your start on Etsy?
I was a buyer on ETSY long before I opened my own shop. Being a crafter/artist, I have the terrible/fun habit of looking at things and thinking..."Hey, I can make that!!" My studio is strewn with a variety of crafty and found objects that seem to not go together at all, except in my head! I'm always trying something new. But that's why I fell in love with ETSY. It's always inspiring me.
Whether I'm seeing a new art form for the first time or simply a treasury of beautiful colors, ETSY artists bring out the best in me. Having said that, I decided to open my store before I knew what I was getting into. I was passionate about hand-stamped jewelry and realized if I wanted to keep making it, I needed an audience for it because my friends and family only needed so many things with their names on it!
How did you choose your shop name?
Actually the naming part was easy. My kids came up with it! I think they believe I'm famous! lol
What does a typical day look like for you?
My days start early. I turn on the computer at about 6 a.m. and then wake my kids for school. I get them off to school and answer conversations from overnight. ETSY never sleeps!
I'm usually in my studio by 9 a.m., creating custom orders before packing everything up and preparing it for shipping. I answer more convos and try to make time to work on new designs. I also like to work on my personal crochet or quilting projects. I find I'm more productive when I'm involved in several different artistic outlets. That way nothing ever seems like work!
If you could be anywhere in the world for one day, where would it be?
Oh, my . . . anywhere? My first thought is on the shore with my family enjoying an evening of collecting shells and sea glass. But a day in my own backyard swimming pool with the kids doing cannon balls and hotdogs cooking on the grill is hard to beat.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
"If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." (Matthew 17:20) My grandmother shared this verse with me when I was 7 years old and my mom was sick. She gave me a mustard seed necklace, which I still treasure. This verse has popped up in unexpected ways throughout my life, reminding me to choose options that honor my faith.
What is your favorite Etsy item listing to feature?
Well, I LOVE everything I make! *lol* If I had to pick one thing, though, it would probably be the I AM LOVED necklace. I think it's an important message for everyone.
Where can we find you on the Internet?
Don't forget to visit Carrie's Etsy shop and come back here to enter the giveaway. We look forward to your comments.
Last Week's Winner
The winner of Emily's "Follow Your Dreams" handmade greeting card from Invitations by Emily has been chosen at random using And the winner is . . . Art and Sew Forth. Congratulations! Enjoy the greeting card, and share it with someone special. (Thank you, Emily, for giving away this lovely card!)
3:25 AM |
Featured Artist
Christ Our Shepherd
Everything Jesus did while He walked on the face of this earth in human flesh, He did out of great love for us and as an example of how He wants us to love others. He came as our shepherd, putting himself between us and the perils of Satan and sin. He left us the Holy Spirit and the inspired word of God as the Bible that we would know His voice and heed it. was a purpose for every word Jesus spoke, every place He traveled to, every miracle He performed, every one of the 40 days and nights of temptation in the wilderness and every moment of pain He endured upon the cross. That purpose was to reconcile the lost with the Father who loves us beyond comprehension. And so also there is a purpose for every trial and every blessing in our lives, every triumph and defeat. God wants to work in each of those things so that His glory will be made manifest to those around us and that they too will be reconciled with Him. In order for that to happen we must become ever more Christ like, willing to endure those trials for His name sake, willing to share His victories in our lives with others, willing to empathize and minister to those whom God places in our lives and our paths daily. Peter 5:2-4 puts it this way “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”
Who is the flock under your care? Your own children and their friends, your spouse, your friends, your coworkers, your brothers , sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, the clerk at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, the person who cuts your hair, your doctor, very simply put: whomever you might cross paths with today.
by Cherry's Creations
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
My daughter has a habit of asking a question over and over again. It doesn't matter if I give the same answer each time, she will continue to ask. In some instances, I suspect she does this to get the answer she wants instead of the answer that I am giving.
Several weeks ago, we were working together one evening. I was trying to quickly get a few orders shipped out and she was working on some homework. She asked me a question and I gave the answer. She asked again and I answered in the same way. By the third time she asked, I grew impatient and showed it in the response I gave to her.
Afterwards I felt badly. While she needs to learn to go with the first answer and leave it at that, she is also 6 years old and I'm, well.... I'm older. :) I need to be more patient and I need to show that in my responses.
As I spent time in prayer the next morning, I prayed about this. I asked God to forgive me and help me to always respond to my children more patiently. It was then that it struck me.... how many times do I ask God the same question over and over again, but yet, he always is patient with me, kind and loving in all his responses.
In some instances, I think I miss his answers and in other times, I suspect I'm doing just as my daugher. I keep asking the same question again hoping to get a difference response. Either way, God is never impatient with me. Ever.
God will never loses his patience with us and always shows his lovingkindness... regardless of our actions. What a blessing!
Happy Sunday!
9:03 AM |
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
The world has witnessed much turmoil and suffering in recent months with earthquakes and tsunamis in multiple countries, floods in some and political unrest in yet others. As God's people, we are not immune to such suffering, so I thought Paul's prayer in the book of Romans was very appropriate at this time and I pray that it will bring you comfort and peace.
10:00 AM |
friday finds
A big cast welcome to this week's featured artist Emily! Emily has a giveaway item for those who participate. To win her "Follow your dreams" handmade greeting card, just go to her
shop, come back here, and comment telling us which item you like the best! Winner will be chosen by
-Your name: Emily
-Your shop name(s) cardsbyemily (currently inactive) and invitationsbyemily
Tell us a little about yourself! My name is Emily, and I love creating unique handmade cards and invitations!
-How did you get your start on Etsy? I opened my online card shop on Etsy in February of 2008, and have loved being part of the Etsy community ever since!
-How did you choose your shop name?: My creativity doesn't help me out much when it comes to names. My mother suggested going simple with "Cards by Emily", and my family/friends agreed!
-What does a typical day look like for you? A typical day for me starts with reading and prayer, then answering emails, then work. Most of my time is spent on orders from my invitation shop, rather than the card shop. I am quite busy, but do my best to finish up work by around 7pm. It's a lot easier said than done!

-If you could be anywhere in the world for one day, where would it be? If I could be anywhere in the world, I think I would choose to visit Italy.
-When you buy supplies for your shop, what do you look for? When I am shopping for greeting card supplies, I look for bright and colorful papers that will brighten someone's day! My favorite tool in cardmaking is my Cricut machine, which is a diecut machine that cuts a variety of shapes and sizes.
-What is your favorite Bible verse? My favorite Bible verse right now is Proverbs 3:5-6
-What is your favorite Etsy item listing to feature? My dahlias wedding invitation!
Thank you Emily for letting us get to know you a little! Everyone please go check out her
shop and leave a comment!
And the winner from last week's giveaway by
chocolatedogstudio is Angela! Congratulations! Someone will be getting in touch with you soon!
11:48 PM |
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Col. 1:19 ...In him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.
While visiting old friends I introduced them to a family tradition of mine.
Ignoring the conventional food groups, we instead had large bowls of popcorn and apple slices for a Sunday evening supper.
They were delighted and we chomped away until we were stuffed.
Food is what we usually think about when we hear the word fullness.
We like our bellies full, whether
from a Easter Feast, a Christmas Dinner, or just popcorn on a Sunday night.
Christ understood this.
He had compassion on thousands who came to hear him speak, and allowed his disciple to pick grain on Saturday when they were hungry.
He was invited to dinners and feasts, and had supper with friends on the last night of his earthly life.
But Jesus made it clear that he had greater food to give.
He is the
Bread of Life.
He gives the
living water. His body and blood are the spiritual food we need for forgiveness.
Because of Jesus’ perfect life, the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him. Because the fullness of God will never be depleted, he has the power to give grace and mercy to all who believe.
Just as we look forward to our unconventional dinners we can also look forward to a time when we will be filled as Christ was.
Paul prayed for us in
Eph. 3 , and we too pray “...that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...that you will know the love of Christ that surpasses all understanding and that you may be filled with the fullness of God.”
I am renaming this one..."the fullness of God"
Too Cute
Be blessed this day and be a blessing to someone else today. Know you are loved...
See you next Monday, Monika
Enjoy some of the Creations from the CAST Team....
Bread of Life by Cherryscreations
11 See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
12 Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
13 The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Song of Solomon 2:11-13
I am continuing Sue Runyon's theme of Spring renewal. We are seeing the buds of Spring flowers peeking through the soil. Soon they will be opening. Perhaps the crocus has bloomed in your area. When we moved into our home back in 1976, we planted many bulbs; crocus, daffodil, tulips, hyacinth, azalea bushes, day lilies. We still have some of those original flowers coming up but one year we had a landscaper dig up and turn over the soil along the front and I thought that would be the end of them but instead we are setting tons of crocus blooms, more than ever.
Spring is a promise of renewal just as our Lord promises that when we receive and accept His Son we will be renewed, reborn. I was reborn a number of years ago, but not until my heart and my insides were turned over and over, did I begin to flourish with our Lord's promise.
This was one of the most difficult winters that we have had in a very long time, but Spring renewal is here now and we will see the promises bloom with every new flower. When you see a new bud remember that after turmoil comes renewal. Let us rejoice!
Sue Anderson
9:30 PM |
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