By Phyllis Ducey
In my post about Word Pictures I challenged you to tell me some of your favorite scriptures and how they speak to you. Vicki Elish (aka GracefulMoments) left this comment on that posting and I was so touched by it I wanted to share it with everyone else. I am hoping it will encourage you to share your thoughts on God's encouraging word pictures from the Bible.
"I have many scriptures that come to mind and it was hard to pick a favorite. Psalm 91 would definitely be a favorite from a word picture standpoint, especially verses 9 through 13. I often pray for the young soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and missionaries in dangerous places and I ask that the Lord surround them with his angels and I envision these enormous angels surrounding them and God's shadow covering them so that the enemy cannot touch them. I also envision these angels and God's magnificent shadow protecting me and my loved ones during storms, travel and other difficult situations."
Psalm 91:9-13 (NIV)
"If you make the Most High your dwelling — even the LORD, who is my refuge-
then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent."
then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent."
What a wonderful prayer for our troops. I too can just imagine the angels around the troops guarding them as they sleep and as they go through their day.
I also pray for our missionaries and those who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. I often wonder as I fall asleep in my warm bed under comfy covers if I could ever serve the Lord in such a self sacrificing way as they do. I then pray that the Lord protects them in ways I do not understand as well as keeping them warm in the cold, cool in the heat, providing drink with their thirst, and nurishment for their bodies. But most of all I pray that they receive the Lord's peace that surpasses all understanding to carry them through whatever they may be experiencing that they may continue to glorify the Lord.
Thank you Vicki for sharing with us your favorite word picture! It has truly blessed me and I am sure it will others.
If you would like to know more about Vicki, she has several shops and a blog.
Ellie Lee - Art and Photography
Ellie Lee's Attic - Vintage Finds
Coming Soon - Graceful Moments - Inspirational Art and Photographs
Blog: Graceful Moments:
Ellie Lee's Attic - Vintage Finds
Coming Soon - Graceful Moments - Inspirational Art and Photographs
Blog: Graceful Moments:
And please visit some of our other wonderful shops below.
(Just a little footnote. Sue Runyon had graciously been posting my blog each week and now I am trying to do it on my own... If things don't look quite as professional or links are not right... please bear with me as I learn! Thanks)

2:00 AM |
bible verse,
Comments (12)
Lovely items and very special Bible verse. Praise God, he takes away our fear when he reassures us like this.
Silk N Style
wonderful post and very inspiring. I'm glad I stopped in this morning before I started my day.
Excellent as usual, Phyllis. Such a nice way to start the work week. You are officially a true blogger now!
Beautiful! Very well said. I love all the pictures of the angels, too.
Beautiful post and wonderful items ;-) I love angels and collect them at home!! Congrats on being am "official" blogger ;-)
...Psalm 91. My sweet Aunt Evie (who has been with the Lord many years now) used to always say..."I'm praying Psalm 91 over you as you travel."
Thank you for this wonderful post, Phyllis, and for reminding me of this wonderful truth and my dear Aunt Evie. :o) button
P.S. Thank you for including my little angel, too.
Lovely post Phyllis :o)
"Angels on my left and right,
To see me safely through the night"
xox, Daff
Beautiful post! I love reading your posts. They are always thought-provoking and inspiring, and definitely pointing me (and all of us) closer toward God!
What a lovely post! I am so happy that my comment was the inspiration for all of these beautiful angels appearing here! We have amazing talent in CAST! I am prayerful that these verses and my comment serve as a reminder to pray for protection of those who are fighting for our religious freedom and for those who are being our Lord's hands and feet throughout the world.
Thank you so much for featuring my angel brooch. So many lovely angels in our group!
Thanks for sharing Vicki's vision of angels surrounding our troops and God's troops (missionaries) as they make great sacrifices day in and day out. I found it encouraging to envision angels surrounding our adult children as they make their way through the world and try to cling to their spiritual values in our secular culture.
And thanks for including one of my angels as part of your visuals.
Coco of
Best wishes!