by Patty of catcalls and gear4guys

Tweetings to All!

Welcome to Tweety Bird Avenue! I am a dedicated tweeter ( I can easily say what I want in less than 140 characters and move on. I love it! I began tweeting in October or November of last year and have made it my primary form of advertising. Since I am not much of a chit-chatty person, this works great for me. I have met all kinds of people, made some cyber friends (not the same as REAL friends, but still friends!), and made many sales due to a mix of advertising and genuine, though brief, conversations. I have also become a buyer of fellow tweeters-not only because I like what they have to offer, but also because I believe the very best way to live life, including the self-employed cyber business life, is to invest in relationships. It is definitely a challenge to get to know others when you can write so little, but it forces me to hone my writing skills and be concise.

I send out 300-400 tweets a day, one third of which are used to promote others. I have 1800 followers as of this writing, and although a very small percentage actually read my tweets, the effects of just one tweet is instantly reflected on my views. They increase anywhere from 8-25 immediately. Most of the items in my shop reach at least 100 views after about 8 tweets, sometimes much sooner. Today I sold a Snakey Mouse Cat Toy at 2 pm. I relisted. I have sent out 13 tweets so far and there are 139 views right now at 11 pm. The more views, the greater chance of a sale…tweet, tweet, TWEET!

Here are a few pointers to help make your tweeting experience profitable:

1. PROMOTE OTHERS You will receive a tweet in return most of the time and if they have 3,000 followers, your product just landed on a nice cushy nest of potential!

2. ADD FOLLOWERS DAILY Generally they will return the follow.

3. USE HOOTSUITE.COM or TWAITTER.COM TO SCHEDULE FUTURE TWEETS I use Hootsuite and schedule my tweets 24/7 at 5 minute increments. I also program in others’ products as well. DO NOT ONLY program tweets. Maintain an online presence as often as possible to respond and be human! People are social and want to talk to YOU, not Twaitter.

4. TWEET LESS THAN 130 CHARACTERS This allows room for others to retweet your line and add a comment...”love this!”…”so cool”..etc.

5. MINGLE AS YOU MARKET If you see ”@birdyboo I just blogged…stu44k9pt” and you know birdyboo-take a minute and read the post, leave a comment and tweet back “I just read the funniest cat story! @birdyboo stu44k9pt” Start making friends!

6. USE HASH TAGS A hash tag is simply a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic. They allow you to create communities of people interested in the same topic. If I type in CAT in the search box, I will find everything from “He’s a cool cat” to “My cat just slid down the slide!” BUT, if I use a hash tag and type #CAT in the box, my search will be narrowed mostly to those who are genuinely interested in cats. Hash tags should not be over used. Use them on keywords to identify yourself with a particular interest. Use them inside the tweet or after. Examples:

As believers, we also have a higher purpose than just marketing. My profile states that I have seven children. I have oftentimes received comments about that. I am quick to respond with something like: “God could not have given me any greater blessing than 6 boys and 1 girl!” I have also had messages sent to my direct message box, a private setting only I can see. From there I have been able to do some sharing as well. You never know how God will lead. And if we keep relationships as our primary goal in all we do, including tweeting, and others see we genuinely care about them, who knows where Tweety Bird Avenue may lead!

by Patty of catcalls and gear4guys

Patty's Blog
Patty's Twitter (Beyond_5)

Comments (11)

On June 3, 2010 at 8:26 AM , pfd said...

Great post. I have not taken the plunge to tweet but will definitely consider it now. Thank you so much for sharing!

On June 3, 2010 at 10:24 AM , MYSAVIOR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
On June 3, 2010 at 10:56 AM , Julie Riisnaes said...

Thank you so much for that clear advice Patty (only just learned your name!). I know you work very hard at the tweeting and I love that you are always looking out to share Jesus.

On June 3, 2010 at 11:34 AM , MYSAVIOR said...

I only just started tweeting. Thank you Patty!!


On June 3, 2010 at 4:07 PM , AngelPups said...

Fantastic post, Patty! As a fellow "tweeter" I can testify that you are in fact a "Twitter Guru" ;-) And I agree wholeheartedly with you about being clear and concise and moving on...also about making sure that you promote others and maintain a presence...not just scheduled tweets. As always, you've given valuable info in a clear and easy to understand's probably why you are the "Twitter Guru" ;-) God Bless!

On June 3, 2010 at 4:54 PM , Donna said...

Wonderful post, Patty!!

Great information!! Thank you for sharing with us!! :)

On June 3, 2010 at 7:31 PM , Unknown said...

As with most of this on-line promoting -- I have a twitter but don't think I know how to use it effectively. I found this information very useful. I'm going to try to promote others more -- I'm not that comfortable with promoting myself -- I think that's why I haven't used it more. Thanks

On June 3, 2010 at 8:30 PM , Three Wishes Collective said...

Patty - that was so great and very timely, actually. I got a twitter book from the library (i get books about everything i'm interested in, lol), but i still had questions and so i was going to contact you; so, in a way, you provide better info than a book on tweets! Thank you so much!

On June 3, 2010 at 11:33 PM , J Honda said...

Wow Patty You go gal!! Thank you so much for the great inside information - it helps so much to have someone with experience and knowledge explain it all :D Happy sales and Joy!

On June 14, 2010 at 10:28 PM , Lizzi said...

Great post. I need all the twitter help I can get. I haven't actually decided how much I want to be on twitter, but I'll get to that...

On June 26, 2010 at 6:42 AM , sweetybird09 said...

Hi Patty, I see you on twitter when I go on there and now I can say hi to you!


Great post