I am at a strange place in life as a Christian.  My husband and I have made a mess of things and now have nothing to place our trust in but the Lord.  And as I ponder what I have to bring to the Lord, there are no great accomplishments, no great offerings of wealth, no great talents. All that remains is me, broken and humble.

I struggle with feelings of unworthiness in this place and as I pray and repent for having nothing left to give, God gently whispers to my heart "Good, now I can accomplish MY plans in your life. Let's begin again. It is time to "Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the Lord." (Psalm 4:5)

Where ever we are at in our journey with Christ, we must remember we have His righteousness through His grace.  When that is all we have left to give, God's love is still extended to us and His mercies are still new every morning. When we come to God empty handed and broken hearted in willing submission to Him, He shows up and begins to do mighty works in us and through us. Sometimes God's best work begins with nothing.

"Glory" by kennedyjanice

Many blessing to each of you today, may you be blessed and encouraged in your walk with the Lord.
Cherry Fargo
(formerly Cherry's Creations)

Comments (1)

On September 23, 2014 at 9:01 AM , the butlers pottery said...

So true and from the heart. Thanks for sharing.